Thank you for shopping at HighTee's online store. We are dedicated to ensuring a seamless shopping experience for our valued customers.
HighTee Online Store takes pride in partnering with UPS to handle all your shipping requirements. Our shipping operations are active from Monday to Friday, ensuring that your orders are typically dispatched within 24 hours of placement. Please be aware that shipping services are not available on weekends or during major holidays.
It's important to note that we currently offer shipping exclusively within the United States. Regrettably, we do not provide international shipping services at this time.
Kindly keep in mind that once your packages depart from HighTee, we cannot assume responsibility for the delivery performance of USPS.
Should you have any additional inquiries regarding our shipping policies, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
If, for any reason, you find yourself unsatisfied with your purchase or gift from our online store, we encourage you to take advantage of our hassle-free return or exchange policy within a generous 30-day window from the date of purchase.
To initiate the process, please follow the steps outlined below or feel free to reach out to us at Here's how to proceed:
Accepted Payment Methods:
Credit and Debit Cards: We accept major credit and debit cards, including Visa and MasterCard. When making a purchase, please provide accurate card details, including the cardholder's name, card number, expiration date, and CVV code.
Payment Security:
Your payment security is a top priority at HighTee. We employ robust encryption technology and adhere to industry-standard security measures to protect your payment information. When you make a purchase on our website, your data is encrypted and transmitted securely, ensuring that your personal and financial information remains confidential.
Order Confirmation:
Upon successful payment, you will receive an order confirmation email containing details of your purchase. Please retain this confirmation for your records. If you do not receive an email confirmation within a reasonable time after completing your payment, please check your spam folder or contact our customer support team at for assistance.
Billing Information:
Please ensure that the billing information you provide matches the information associated with your selected payment method. Any discrepancies may result in payment processing delays or order cancellations.
Payment Issues:
If you encounter any payment-related issues or have questions about your transaction, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at We are here to assist you in resolving any payment concerns promptly.
Sales Tax:
Sales tax may apply to your purchase based on your location and the items you order. The applicable tax amount will be calculated and displayed during the checkout process.
Thank you for choosing the HighTee Online Store. We appreciate your trust in our secure payment system and look forward to serving you with exceptional products and services. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your payment, please feel free to reach out to us.